Look Your Best with a Professional Press
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Using the latest in innovative finishing equipment and the highest quality detergents, our specially trained staff assures an impeccably clean shirt or blouse with a professional finish.

Ever wonder why a woman’s blouse is more expensive than a man’s? It's not the cleaning it's the pressing. The machines dry cleaners use to press button-down shirts are traditionally sized to fit a man’s style. Women’s shirts tend to be smaller, more tapered and therefore do not fit the classic machine. What makes us different? We now have specialized equipment to make garment inequality a thing of the past! Deluxe now offers men’s shirts and women’s blouses at the same low price.
All shirts and blouses are manually inspected to the highest quality standards ensuring your items are ready-to-wear when returned. Also, any missing or damaged buttons are replaced free of charge.
Your preferences are kept through our POS system: no starch, some starch, starched stiff folded or on a hanger.